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Discuss how a person can gain credibility. Who is someone who has credibility in your eyes? How can a person gain credibility? Why is credibility important to an individual to company? I think anyone who has credibility must be those who are trustworthy and always keep a promise. There are many ways to gain credibility, such as be accountable and honest. To establish credibility you must be responsible for your decisions and a


Discuss how a person can gain credibility. Who is someone who has credibility in your eyes? How can a person gain credibility? Why is credibility important to an individual to company? I think anyone who has credibility must be those who are trustworthy and always keep a promise. There are many ways to gain credibility, such as be accountable and honest. To establish credibility you must be responsible for your decisions and a


ctions. Credibility is, in a way, more important than success. It means others look at you as a reliable resource and decision-maker. It allows those who rely on you to know they can count on you, trust you, do business with you, and align with you.

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